Sprouted Soaked Wheat

Sprouted Soaked Wheat

Place 3/4 cup of clean, rinsed, whole wheat in a quart jar. Cover with 3/4 cup of water warm water. Soak for about 12 hours, drain off the water and drink it (it has vitamins and minerals). Rinse the wheat, drain, and put the bottle in a cupboard where it is dark and warm. Don’t feel obligated to handle or interfere with germinating wheat. Gently sprinkle a little water over the grain two or three times day (depending on the temperature and humidity.) There is no need for vigorous washing and rinsing. You could cover the top of the bottle with a piece of nylon stocking or gauge secured with a rubber band.

After sprouting, grind it until it looks like ground beef. Season the wheat in various ways and makes patties, loaves, and several other delicious dishes.

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